Secret drink to eliminate fat on the waist in just 4 days

A super recipe to lose excess fat in the abdomen, is the secret drink! This drink will stimulate the body by consuming fat and stimulating metabolism without any negative effect.

Initially, you should avoid sweets, chips and fast foods during these 4 days and consume fruits and vegetables that contain large amounts of water.

This will help fight dehydration and fatigue.

This drink is ideal for anyone who is willing to change their lifestyle.

It will help in burning excess kilns. Meanwhile, it will improve metabolism, control your desires, and remove unwanted toxins and unwanted wastes from your body.

Here's how to prepare this 'magic' drink:

- 1 teaspoon root ginger root

- 8 cups of water

- 1 fresh cucumber, of average size, which you make sliced ​​slices

- 1 medium lemon, also cut with slices;

- 12 leaf leaves

Mix all the ingredients and put them in a bottle one night before consuming them. Drink mix the next day. Almost all ingredients have a natural diuretic effect and in this way, excess body fluids will get through the urine.