These are the 9 major lies about weight loss

Nowadays there are so many ways to lose weight that you do not know who to believe and who does not. Some say you should eat many times a day, but little while others say eat 3 meals and not more. To solve this dilemma situation, will tell you what a lie is. Let's see them!

1. A diet with a little carbohydrate is good for losing weight

We agree that the diet with a little carbohydrate weakens, but have you ever wondered how healthy you are? Carbohydrates in limited quantities, reduce energy, so it is better to avoid it.

2.You should not eat after 6 o'clock in the afternoon

Everyone has heard the phrase "Eat breakfast as a king, lunch as a prince and dinner as a poor" but you do not believe it, because it is not true. You can eat when you want, just do not overdo it with calories and grease.

3.Eat a little and often

Studies have shown that people who eat more than three times a day are healthier than those who eat 3 times. Therefore eating often to lose weight and increase metabolism is simply a lie.

4. The more time in the gym, the more weight lost

Lie! The quality of training is important in the gym, not the hours spent.

5. Fat grease

Fats have 9 calories per gram while the protein has 4 calories per gram. That is and why you should pay attention to fatty foods. But that does not mean removing it from the diet, it means counting what it eats.

6. The older you become, the more healthy you are.

No, that's not true. As long as you have a healthy lifestyle, you will not gain weight. The key to all this is physical exercise.

7. Exercise is effective only when you feel pain

Many people believe that when the next day after the training session you have pain, you have managed to lose some pounds, but that is not the case. You have, or no pain, if you are training, you will lose weight.

8. Strain Before Exercise

Before exercise you make a muscle strain, like preparation. But you have to do the opposite. Strain after the exercise, so your muscles will be ready to relax.

9. You can eat what you want during fasting

There are two important things that you should not overlook during fasting, first, do not starve yourself and the second, do not eat dried foods.