'Cancer' discovered for cancer

'Cancer' discovered for cancer thumbnail 1 summary
'Cancer' discovered for cancer

Scientists believe they have found a solution to rescue millions of cancer patients.

An innovative treatment that uses immune cells from foreigners will strengthen the immune systems of patients by avoiding the toxic side effects that can be caused by chemotherapy.

The Francis Crick Institute team in London now wants to create the first "box" of immune cells that will deposit the cells' Natural Killer

This will allow oncologists to order a batch of immune cells that will be delivered to the clinic for a certain time and then used for patients.

 When entering the body, the cells join the immune system of the patient to fight the tumors using a natural approach.

Professor Adrian Hayday, group leader of one of the labs told The Telegraph that they have not yet reached but are struggling.

"We have not achieved it yet. But that is what we are trying now, "he said

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